Monday, January 19, 2009

Skirt to church

Magenta buildings, men holding hands singing romantic love songs to a nice, wrathless life coach named Jesus. That, I think, describes a good percentage of American evangelicalism today. I mean, how many slow, "I just want to fall in love with you" type songs can a guy sing? And since when is "magenta" even on the radar of a guy's color knowledge? Hey, I'm all for slow songs too, but where are the "Onward Christian soldiers" and "A Mighty fortresses" in our day? More than that, where are the mighty men of David? Our churches are full of girls because we dropped the ball. Our fatherless generation produced a bunch of little boys who seek comfort and entertainment above everything, even God. I long to see a generation of John Bunyans choosing affliction over sin, Athanasiuses taking ostracism and opposition over false unity. We can moan and complain about how much wrong our daddies did us or we can go to our father in Heaven, The Lord of Hosts and petition Him for a generation of men who will, in fear and trembling, pursue Him and step up in faith and love our girls as Christ loved His, our neighbors as ourselves and our God with all our might. That is the only way we'll see true reformation in our day. We have to seek God desperately as He is the One who can birth the desire for true, biblical manhood in us. To the extent that that happens we'll be able to reform the church out of the "Skirt Christianity" and eventually even lead our culture once again for Christ's name sake and our eternal joy.

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